
This page is intended to provide links to useful resources for leaders. For training resources please refer to the separate Adult Training page.

If you have any suggestions for other useful resources, please send your links to

Remember that a good starting point for all sorts of resources is the members resources area of (note that you do not need a login to access this).

District equipment for loan

Satellite navigation systems: book to borrow the GPS equipment available within the District.

District equipment available for booking including:

Go to the equipment booking page


Online Scout Manager:

This is a fantastic resource for managing records online (and it also does much much more). The basic (bronze) package is free and it is extremely easy to use; additional features are available for a fee of £15 (silver) or £20 (gold) per section per year. You can create a store records for each member and then transfer members between sections with the Group. All badge details are in the system and these are linked to pull through automatically based on your programme. They then update across all badges with equivalent requirements and notify you when a badge has been completed. There is also event management, a programme editor, an attendance register, activity ideas and even a campsite directory.

Programme planning

Programmes Online:

This resource forms a part of and you must be a registered member to use it. With a searchable database of games, skills ideas and programme suggestions it also allows you to create and save programmes, create custom activities and upload your own ideas.

Scouting Resources:

Scouting Resources is an 'unofficial' site run by a leader. It aims to provide information, ideas and resources that are not easily obtainable elsewhere. With basic introductions and information on all the major Scouting skills and some detailed work and information on specific areas it can form the basis of your own work. It offers plenty of material on the more traditional Scouting skills aswell as resources linked to specific badge work.

Uniform, badges, scarves and gifts

There are plenty of options when shopping for Scouting accessories but here are a selection of our favourites:

Scout Shop:

This is the "official" Scout shop, owned by the Scout Association. It offers:


This shop is based in Didcot and offers many of the items listed above together with a range of scarves and uniform badges (no registration required). They stock Oxfordshire County badges.

Scout and Guide Shop:

Although this shop is not local they are great for badges - their postage costs are very low and they have excellent dispatch times (order after a meeting one week and you will have the badges in time for the next meeting). You do need to register with your membership number before you can order from them. They also offer many of the other items that you can get from the Scout shop.

One Stop Scouting:

Another supplier of Scouting equipment, similar to that which can be obtained from the Scout shop. In addition they do a very good range of unusual scarves (such as the Remembrance Day Poppy scarf), they supply "Scout and Proud" clothing and they do customised leather pin badges for leaders' names. They can supply bespoke scarves and clothing.