All sections of the Scout Association are open to both boys and girls of every background, race and religion. Full details of the Scout Association's equal opportunities policy is available here.
The sections are divided up by age (the core age ranges are shown below) though there is some flexibility as to the exact age at which young people move on to the next section - full details are available within the relevant section pages.
Beaver Scouts are the youngest section in the Scout Association, aged 6 to 8.They meet in Colonies and have lots of fun doing different activities which include making things, going on visits, making friends, doing badges and going away for a night on a sleepover or camp. We have nineteen Beaver Scout Colonies in the District.
Cub Scouts are the second section, aged 8 to 10½. They meet in a Packs and spend their time playing games and learning new skills. At Cubs you can take part in lots of adventures including camping, hikes and team challenges. There are lots of awards and badges to work towards. We have twenty-two Cub Packs in the District.
The Scout Section is for young people aged between 10½ and 14 years and the Scout Troop is the third and final section within a Group. Being a Scout means pushing your limits, finding out about the world you live in, knowing your own abilities, keeping fit for life and developing creative talents. Scouts are also expected to explore their own values and personal attitudes. There are a many different awards and activity badges to earn along the way. We have sixteen Scout Troops in the District, including three Sea Scout troops.
Explorer Scouts (aged 14 to 18)
Explorer Scouts are aged between 14 and 18. Explorer Scout Units are part of the District rather than the Group, though many maintain close links with a particular Group. As an Explorer Scout, you will be able to decide, along with the rest of the Unit, what you want to do. You will be able to gain badges such as the Chief Scout's Diamond and Platinum Awards. The highest award you can earn is the King's Scout Award. This is recognised by many employers as the sign of someone that is enthusiastic, dedicated and reliable. We have five Explorer Scout Units in the District.
Scout Network is the fifth and final youth section. Network members are part of the County, though they may have close links with a particular District or Group. As a Scout Network Member you get to take part in all the usual adventurous Scouting activities as well as working on projects helping to support you local community. You can also, if you choose, get more closely involved in working with the younger Sections. The Oxfordshire Scout Network has many active members in Oxford.