Application form
So what can I do to help?
There are all kinds of different ways in which you can help:
Leaders/assistant leaders: the people who actually run the sections – they plan the programmes, organise the meetings and provide an exciting range of activities for the young people. The leader has overall responsibility while the assistant leaders often have specific jobs to do. If you are aged 14 to 18 and are interested in helping out with Beavers, Cubs or Scouts, please visit our Young Leaders page.
Helpers: the people who provide the invaluable support at meetings at other events to enable the smooth running of the programme – some helpers attend every week while others just take part in particular meetings, trips or camps. Many parents of young people in Scouting have a helper role.
Managers: the people who ensure that everything keeps running smoothly – we have volunteer managers at every level of Scouting, making sure that the leaders can do their jobs.
Administrators: the people behind the scenes who look after the accounts, the paperwork, the applications and the waiting list, and make sure we comply with our charity obligations.
Training: the people who make sure that all the other adults have the skills required to perform their jobs, from practical training in traditional skill, though to the “soft” skills required to run a section and the management and administration skills needed to keep the Group and District operating.
Committee members: every Group has an executive committee which takes responsibility for the decisions making process – without the exec there is no Group so the members of these committees are essential to Scouting.
Scout Active Support: these adults are linked to a Scout Group and provide support when and where it is needed, for example by providing catering or organising fundraising events.