Volunteer - Adults
In Oxford Spires District alone there are around 100 young people on waiting lists. Nationally this figure is over 30,000. We only have waiting lists because we don’t have enough adult volunteers so we will welcome any help that you can offer – for every new adult involved in Scouting, more young people can take part. Complete our online form to let us know how you would like to get involved.
Will I get paid?
As a voluntary organisation, none of the leaders and managers are paid for the time we give to Scouting. However, most of us find that this is part of its appeal – we do it because we enjoy it! However, you can claim expenses and your attendance at camps and other activities will often be funded.
What is the process for joining?
Fill in our online form to give us some information about what you would like to do. Someone will be in touch shortly to discuss how to get you involved and you will be given an application form to complete. An enhanced CRB check is carried out on all volunteers, no matter what thier role, and is required even if you already have an enhanced CRB check from a different organisation. For some roles you will have to go along to an appointments meeting, to talk to people outside of your Group about the role you want to take on. Depending on your role you may have to do some training, or demonstrate that you already have the required skills. More information about the adult training scheme is available from the Oxfordshire County training pages and from the national Scout training pages.
Are there any restrictions on helping out?
Scouting does not discriminate – whatever you gender, age, religion, abilities or skills we will find a role to suit you. Adult members must be over 18 but we also welcome Young Leaders, aged between 14 and 18. If you are aged 14 to 18 and are interested in helping out with Beavers, Cubs or Scouts, please visit our Young Leaders page.
I work full time – can I still volunteer?
Most of our adult volunteers work full time and they fit their Scouting roles around this. The majority of meetings take place outside of normal working hours but even if your work means that you can’t help out with sectional meeting, there are many other ways to get involved. We will always look for ways that a role can be adapted to suit your needs, whether you can help out once a fortnight, month or term or just at special events or camps.
But I don’t know anything about Scouting!I doesn't matter to us: we don’t expect our volunteers to come to us with any particular knowledge or experience. All that we are looking for is energy and enthusiasm: we can help with everything else that you need to know.